Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Am I a Techno-Constructivist?

I am slowly but surely becoming a techno-constructivist. After reading the article, I would say that I am somewhere between a 2nd and 3rd "stage-er". I should probably be further along in the whole technology gig, but i am not...fortunately, this class has helped me to become less fearful of new technology and inspired me to be more of a techno-constructivist. Like the article states-becoming a techno-constructivist is an attitude and one must posess the ability to be open to new possibilities in this "age of wonder"...I think I have become more open. In reality, technology really is transforming education, therefore teachers must be open to new possibilities and constantly educate themselves on the newest trends in order to provide the best possible education for our students.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree, Megan. Once you've submerged yourself in anything like this, it takes the load off just a little bit more. This class has been like dipping your toes in to the ocean for the first time - just a little at a time and you see that it's O.K. Be open to the possibilities, otherwise, you never know what you may miss.
