Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Am I a Techno-Constructivist?

I am slowly but surely becoming a techno-constructivist. After reading the article, I would say that I am somewhere between a 2nd and 3rd "stage-er". I should probably be further along in the whole technology gig, but i am not...fortunately, this class has helped me to become less fearful of new technology and inspired me to be more of a techno-constructivist. Like the article states-becoming a techno-constructivist is an attitude and one must posess the ability to be open to new possibilities in this "age of wonder"...I think I have become more open. In reality, technology really is transforming education, therefore teachers must be open to new possibilities and constantly educate themselves on the newest trends in order to provide the best possible education for our students.


The California Learning Resource Network is a great site for finding electronic learning resources. Everytime I look for something teacher/learning related on the internet, I immediately go to google or one of the other major search engines and then have to ilter out all the junk in between. CLRN is a great tool for teachers! Although the standards are specific to California, the resources are still condusive to all NJCCCS. I am greatful to have this site brought to my attention and will definitely make good use of it!

Lesson Plans...

After looking through all the resources in module 10 to help with lesson planning I was overwhelmed with ideas...in a good way. It took me forever to decide what I wanted to write me lesson plan on...but once I decided it was a lot of fun. I chose to use the SmartBoard in my lesson plan because it is something I am currently learning about. My school got one about a year ago and we have had several professional development workshops about how to use it. It is really an awesome interactive tool to use in the classroom...the students love it (at all grade levels), it helps to engage them and keeps their attention well. I hope to start using the SmartBoard more and this assignment helped me to develop a lesson that I actually can use with my own class!
In addition to lesson planning...I do feel that lessons should be well thought out and detailed, however, I do agree with some other blogs that it is sometimes difficult and at times impossible to completely follow lessons as planned. As far as substitutes go, I usually leave alternate plans. Although, I'm sure most subs are capable of following lessons, I wouldn't expect them to.